Zoom! Teeth Whitening In-Office Treatment in El Paso, TX
Call Today! (915) 260-6575
Zoom! whitening is a teeth bleaching process that is used worldwide to brighten the discoloration of the enamel on teeth. Whether your teeth have discoloration from coffee, tobacco, decay, or aging, Zoom! teeth whitening will lighten the dentin to give you a brighter smile. After an examination and cleaning, you and the dentist will discuss your options for teeth whitening and if Zoom is for you.

The whitening treatment will usually take from 45 to 60 minutes and can brighten your teeth up to 8 shades lighter. The procedure begins with covering your gums and lips to leave the teeth exposed. The dentist or hygienist will then apply the whitening gel to your teeth, which works in unison with the Zoom light to break up stains and discoloration on the surface. The gel will be applied 3 times in 15-minute sessions. Afterward, the dentist will apply a post-treatment gel that is clinically proven to reduce the sensitivity of your teeth, so you won’t have to worry about any discomfort.
Is Professional Teeth Whitening Safe?
Extensive research and clinical studies have shown that teeth whitening is safe, and safer still when done under the supervision of dental professionals. In fact, most dentists will tell you that teeth whitening is the safest procedure they perform. However, Zoom whitening is not suggested for children under 13, pregnant women, and anyone currently taking chemotherapy or taking light-sensitive medications.
FlashWhite Take-Home Whitening
Professional teeth whitening can happen at the dentist or at home. You can choose from our in-office or take-home treatments, starting at $100. FlashWhite take-home teeth whitening kit was created by our own dentists here in El Paso, TX. After testing the industries leading whitening kits, they have put together this kit for optimal safety and whitening.
Flashwhite isn’t like the other home whitening kits out there. Our dentist designed Flashwhite to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home and is formulated to achieve maximum results in only 10 minutes. Our home teeth whitening kits use patented heat & light acceleration technology for fast & easy results without the sensitivity associated with normal kits.
Ask Us About Teeth Whitening
Schedule an appointment today with our professional staff. Call us at 915.260.6575, or fill out the form on this page to send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as we are able to!
Why In-Office Teeth Whitening is Better than Take-Home Kits
White teeth are invaluable to a picture-perfect smile. But, over time your teeth can lose their brightness because of different reasons such as age, smoking, drinking coffee, or periodontal disease. This yellowing of the teeth may even prevent some people from smiling.

While yellow teeth are not harmful to your overall health, discoloring can be a blow to your self-confidence. In-office teeth whitening is the most effective solution to whitening teeth for those that are ready to take action toward better oral health.
Here at Patriot Family Dental, we have 2 different ways to whiten your teeth: Zoom! in-office teeth whitening and Flashwhite take-home teeth whitening kit. While both are very effective at brightening your smile, there are many more reasons for you to prefer our professional in-office whitening.
Personalized Teeth Whitening
When you get an in-office teeth whitening treatment, you’ll get the best, and most personalized evaluation of your oral health. Our team will be able to pinpoint problem areas and focus on them on-site. Being here in the office allows us to recommend the best treatment and options available to you. Take-home kits cater to a mass market and won’t have a team of dental professionals giving you qualified dental care.
In-Office Teeth Whitening is Safer
Take-home bleach whitening kits can be effective but could have unintended side effects if you have prior dental issues that you are unaware of. While most take-home kits are safe to use, they are not done with a team of dental professionals looking after you.
Professional in-office teeth whitening is the safest procedure done in our dental office with a caring staff with years of experience. We’ll make your procedure comfortable and effective using the proper safety precautions to protect your teeth and gums.
Better and Longer Lasting Results
Over-the-counter whitening kits can be unpredictable and their effectiveness may vary from person to person. Results from some take-home kits can even fade within a month’s time. With professional treatment, results are immediate and can last a long time with proper oral hygiene.
Flashwhite Teeth Whitening Kit
That being said, Patriot Family Dental also has our very own version of the Teeth Whitening kit. Flashwhite teeth whitening isn’t like the other home whitening kits out there. Our dentist designed Flashwhite to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home and is formulated to achieve maximum results in only 10 minutes. Patented heat & light acceleration technology for fast & easy results without sensitivity.
Schedule a Teeth Whitening Consultation!
Schedule a consultation today by calling (915) 260-6575, or visiting our Contact Us page. Our dental team is friendly and ready to answer any questions you have about dental insurance, treatment options, and procedures. We can’t wait to see your brand-new smile!